Beauty By Fiona - Fareham

Lava Shell Massage

Lava Shell Massage

There are several benefits to heated treatments including: an increase in extension of soft tissues; removal of toxins from cells; enhanced blood flow; increased function of tissue cells; relaxation of sore, stiff muscles; and relief of painful arthritic joints.

Hot Lava Shell Massage

Relieve the deepest aches and pains, stress and tension with this revolutionary and unique full body massage which uses the natural benefits of heated Tiger Clam Shells from the Tropics. The smooth shells are expertly glided over the body with varying pressures, techniques and precision by the therapist tailored to meet your particular needs. Hydrating oils are used during the treatment to moisturise the skin as the warming energy of the shells helps to revitalise and rebalance the body and mind.

90 minutes.......................................................................£50.00

Hot Lava Shell Relax Massage

An indulgent and truly pampering relaxation full body treatment using the natural benefits of heated Tiger Clam Shells to transport you to the warm beaches of the Tropics . The smooth shells are expertly glided over the body with varying pressures, techniques and precision by the therapist tailored to meet your particular needs. Hydrating oils are used during the treatment to moisturise the skin as the warming energy of the shells helps to revitalise and rebalance the body and mind.

60 minutes.........................................................................£45.00

Hot Lava Shell Back Treatment

For an intensive back, neck and shoulder treatment this deep tissue massage uses heated lava shells to achieve a firm deep pressure and treat deep rooted muscle problems. The radiating heat from the shells releases tension and leaves you feeling instantly stress free and rejuvenated.

30 minutes..........................................................................£30.00


  • Drink plenty of water before and after a treatment. This ensure that your body is hydrated and body work can be more effective. ...
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol for 24 hours.
  • Avoid sunbeds and artificial UV lights.
  • Do not have a hot bath following a massage.
  • Avoid exercise for 12 hours.

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