Beauty By Fiona - Fareham

Facial Peel

Dermalogica Pro Power Facial Peel 

Pro Power Peel redefines the peel experience!

Pro Peel Facial treatment from Dermalogica®.

This Pro Power Peel redefines the peel experience. It’s Dermalogica's strongest and fastest peel yet, the pro power peel collocation features a full suite of peel products, including alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids.

I will be offering two treatments in salon:

Pro Power Peel 30

In the express 30 minute treatment, your skin therapist will create a customised peel to instantly rejuvenate and refresh your skin. With a unique system of three different acids for a deep exfoliation personalised to you, its ideal to target lines and wrinkles, uneven pigmentation or breakouts.

(30 mins treatment) ............................................ £40.00
Course of 3 (30 mins treatment) ..................... £100.00
Course of 6 (30 mins treatment) ..................... £180.00

Pro Power Peel 60

If you want to experience a truly transformative treatment, then we suggest the Pro Power Peel 60.

This effective and customisable 60 minute treatment combines the benefits of our Pro Power Peel 30 treatment with additional advanced techniques and technologies. Peel results are dramatically enhanced by a supplementary deep treatment process incorporating powerful Ionactives, a customised masque, galvanic therapy and relaxing massage to ensure your skin is left clear, smooth and glowing.

(60 mins treatment) ........................................... £60.00 
Course of 3 (60 mins treatment) ..................... £174.00
Course of 6 (60 mins treatment) ..................... £330.00

Before you receive each Peel treatment you will be asked to confirm the below statements:
  • I have not received a cosmetic or resurfacing skin procedure such as laser, light therapy, chemical peel or microdermabrasion within the past 2 weeks.
  • I am not pregnant or lactating.
  • I have not used any prescribed topical medications such as Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid or Retin-A.
  • I do not have any active cold sores.
  • I have not received Botox or other injectable procedures within the past 6 weeks.
  • I have not used Isotretinoin (also known as Accutane) in the past 6 months.
  • I agree to apply sunscreen protection (minimum SPF30) daily.
  • I agree to notify my professional skin therapist of concerns.
  • I agree to follow the prescribed protocol.
  • I agree to avoid direct sun for 2-3 weeks.
  • I agree not to wax for 72 hours.
You will be asked to sign a Consent for Treatment and your therapist will verbalise and provide written Post-Treatment instructions.

Pro Peel will not be offered to new clients without a full consultation. It may be necessary to carry out a specified homecare routine for the weeks leading up to your first treatment to ensure that your overall skin health is good, which will result in improved results and safer practice. Please contact me if you have any questions.


Use the following guidelines until your skin has resolved peeling (approximately 7-10 days.) For more sensitive skin or after a more intense treatment, consider following these guidelines for at least 10 days.
  • Immediately following treatment, apply a broad spectrum physical sunscreen (minimum SPF30) such as Dermalogica Super Sensitive Shield SPF30 or UltraSensitive Tint SPF30. Avoid direct daylight exposure for 2-3 weeks and wear a 3” wide brim hat if going in the sun is necessary. Direct sun exposure must be avoided to prevent hyperpigmentation.
  • On the day of treatment, avoid strenuous exercise or prolonged exposure to heat sources such as dry saunas and steam rooms. Increased blood circulation to the face will cause an increased warming effect, which could lead to discomfort(prickling, itching, etc.), redness, inflammation, swelling or other side effects.
  • On the night of treatment, rinse your face with cool water and a gentle cleanser such as UltraCalming Cleanser, then moisturize skin with a barrier-protecting moisturiser such as Barrier Repair. This will help soothe skin tightness.
  • Increase your fluid intake for 2-3 days after the Peel treatment.
  • You will likely begin peeling within 2-3 days. This is normal. DO NOT pick or peel at loose skin. This may cause discolouration.
  • Avoid using any type of exfoliating product on the treated area for 72 hours after treatment or until your skin shows no signs of sensitivity. If skin is no longer sensitive, MultiVitamin Thermafoliant may be used to slough off peeling skin.
  • Continue to moisturise the treated area for the duration of the peeling process. Applying Multi-Active Toner, Skin Hydrating Booster or a slightly thicker moisturiser such as Intensive Moisture Balance throughout the day can help maintain hydration and decrease the appearance of flaking.

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