Beauty By Fiona - Fareham

Airbrushed Tanning

Airbushed Tanning

Sienna X

Full Body

Airbrushed self tanning for your whole body (approx. 30 minutes this includes drying time).

2 sessions are recommended for the best results 

1st session - £20.00 

2nd session (to be taken within 3 days of 1st session) - £10.00

Half Body

Airbrushed self tanning for full legs or upper body and arms (approx. 20 minutes this includes drying time). 2 sessions are recommended for the best results 

1st session - £15.00 

2nd session (to be taken within 3 days of 1st session) - £10.00 


1st session - £10.00 

Airbrushed self tanning for your face. (approx. 15 minutes this includes drying time)


After care is essential to the correct development of your spray tan - Sienna X.  How to care for your skin after spray tanning to get an even glow.

Maintaining your spray tan is vitally important if you want to make your tan last for longer. Keeping an even tan relies on a certain level of after care, but this will help you to prolong your spray tan and maintain a truer colour between applications.

Directly after your spray tanning treatment you will be advised to wear loose fitting, dark coloured clothing. Tight waistbands and close fitting clothes can remove colour before the tan has been given a chance to develop, so remember to take along something suitable to change into after your session.

Taking lots of showers or spending time soaking in the bath can all fade your tan

It will take up to eight hours for your spray tan to fully develop, so try not to shower or bathe in this time. Taking lots of showers or spending time soaking in the bath can all fade your tan, so keep your washing sessions as brief as possible if you want to maintain your tan for longer.

Similarly, vigorous exercise and swimming should also be avoided for at least the first 24 hours as this can affect the development of your spray tan and can prevent you from achieving the optimum depth of colour.

After your spray tan has developed completely and you have washed off the guide colour, keep your skin supple with plenty of moisturisation. Generous moisturising will prevent your skin from drying out and will keep your tan looking incredible between treatments. 

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